
Check-In and Bridge Drop-Off

Parks Library Southwest Corner

Parks Library is located near Iowa State's central campus. Check-in on Friday will be held on the Southwest side of the building outside. Bridge drop-off for aesthetics will occur on the North side of Parks Library on Osbourn Drive.  More instructions and the campus maps are provided in participant mailers. 

Aesthetics Judging

Parks Library South Lawn

Parks Library is located near the center of central campus. Signs and volunteers will be around to direct participants. Teams are required to bring footing to set their bridge on.

Captains' Meeting 

Hoover Hall 

Hoover Hall is located next to the Student Innovation Center. This area is a very large meeting room where a stage and ample seats will be set up. There will also be a few microphones and a whiteboard available for questions during the captains' meeting. This area will also be open all day Friday for participants. This area is air-conditioned. 

Social Event 

Sukup End Zone Club

Located just off Iowa State's campus and directly attached to Jack Trice Stadium. Our social event is a tailgate themed event please check out the schedule page or mailers for more information about this event. The venue offers a direct view of the football field as well as tailgate themed games. 

Main Competition 

Leid Recreation Center

518 Beach Rd, Ames, IA 50011

The main competition will occupy the far side of Leid Recreation. Spectator seating and standing areas will be sectioned off. Parking will be available surrounding the sports complex,  and signs will be posted to direct participants to bridge drop-off and check-in. 

Awards Banquet 

Leid Recreation Center

518 Beach Rd, Ames, IA 50011

Participants must come in through the building's front entrance. The awards banquet will be held in the same space competition was hosted in.